The Champ is a new series by one of my 8-year-old favourite authors – Anh Do.
The Champ is about a girl called Summer who is involved in an accident at home with her brother. We are not really sure what she was exposed to (the book insinuates a meteor hit their home) but it all of a sudden gives Summer some amazing sporting abilities which eventually turns her into a “superhero” called The Champ.
When I asked my 8-year-old to review the book after reading it, she said it was her least favourite book by Anh Do that she has read.
I do think my 8-year-old is attracted to the funny book series by Anh Do like Weirdo and Hot Dog and likes being taken away to a new world with the Anh Do book series Pow Pow Pig. I think she found The Champ a bit boring and the storyline of someone getting superhero powers has already been done.
It is unlikely that my 8-year-old would want to read this series further but I do think every child has different interests so if the premise of the book sounds like something that your child would like to read, then The Champ is a great read for kids aged 7-11 years old.