Make Tracks: Trucks by Johnny Dyrander

This book and series is a favourite of my 4-year-old son. This is the second book in the series that we have had the chance to review and my son just loves how engaging these books are.

Of course, like most boys, he loves all things that have wheels, so a book about trucks is right up his alley.

The book teaches the kids about different trucks and the names of certain parts of the trucks. There are also engaging questions on each page for the kids to answer like “How many lorries are waiting to be loaded?” and kids will need to look around the page to find the answer.

There is also a truck counter on each page for the kids to drive the truck around the track, which is my son’s favourite part of the book.

I love that the book is so thick and durable! Even when little hands drop it or are a bit rough with the book, this book will definitely withstand the test of time and preschoolers’ hands!

Genre: 2-5 years old