Rebekah Ballagh" >

Big Feelings by Rebekah Ballagh

This is one of the most gorgeous and relevant books I have read to my 8 and 4 year old in a while. This book is all about giving your children (and yourself as a parent!) the tools and understanding of feelings when it comes to children. It talks about feelings (good and bad) in […]

Genre: From 3 years
Deborah Abela" >

Bear in Space by Deborah Abela

This beautifully illustrated book is a story about a bear who loves space and plans to go to space but the other bears laugh at him. He goes on the adventure alone until he meets a friend who also wants to go on this adventure with him. The story explores friendship, acceptance and not letting […]

Genre: From 3 years
Meg McKinley" >

Let Me Sleep, Sheep! by Meg McKinley by Meg McKinley

This is the story of a little boy called Amos who just can’t sleep. So what is there to do but count sheep.  It looks like the classic story we all know… but is it really? Amos starts counting sheep when suddenly there’s this loud thud and … he’s not alone in the room anymore. […]

Genre: From 3 years