Have you thought about how many people are involved in raising your child or helping you raise your child?
This saying is so true for so many families and mothers out there. As Mums we do the bulk of the work but there are plenty of times that we enlist our village to help with our kids.
If your child is sick, you go to your local GP.
If you are working and need someone to look after your child, you have childcare workers or a nanny stepping in.
I am lucky enough to have my parents help out with my two kids. But it’s certainly a juggling act when I need them to look after the kids. From who is available to look after them, what date, what time, where do they need to be dropped off or picked up.
I’m forever texting back and forth with my parents, which often leaves room for errors as what’s happened to me previously.
I also have my 3 year old in preschool that finishes school at 5pm.
There often have been time that either hubby or myself haven’t been able to get there in time to pick her up.
Again I tap into my village as I ask my Mum friends from Mia’s preschool to help pick her up and mind her until one of us get there to pick her up.
So how do you manage organising your village? Texts can get lost and downloading so much information over the phone can be hard. So I love that we can use The Hug App amongst my village.
The Hug App helps me manage who is picking up my kids when. It also helps my family and friends in organising themselves with all the information they need to look after my children as well as location and times if they are doing pick ups.
The best bit is that you can use and download the app for FREE!
You can also check out our step by step guide on how to use The Hug App here.
Written in partnership with The Hug App