Win a 1 Year Supply of Play-Doh Activities



Mia is a HUGE fan of Play-Doh, and there is not one day that goes by that she doesn’t ask to play with her Play-Doh. Not only do I love that it keeps her entertained for hours, but it encourages her to be creative as she makes food, jewellery, animals and people.

If your child loves Play- Doh as much as Mia does, then all you have to do to have a chance to win A ONE YEAR SUPPLY is:

Join Little Creators of Play-Doh here Little Creators of Play-Doh

PLUS, if you tag another parent, you will get BONUS entries!


– Winner/s must be a member of the Little Creators of Play-Doh Facebook group

– Competition closes midnight 22nd October

– Winner announced 23rd October

– Feel free to share this comp

Enter below



51 thoughts on “Win a 1 Year Supply of Play-Doh Activities

  1. My girl does not have a favourite colour but she adores when her playdoh has sparkles in it or sea shells in it or beads of stunning colours..

  2. Our Play Doh creations are hours of fun
    Until mummy has to guess what animal Ruby 3.5 has created 😳

  3. My 3 yr old daughter loved watching you tube videos of kids creating with play doh them doing creations herself

  4. I remember the fun I had with play-doh through out the years now I get to create things with my 2 year old niece. Thanks for the chance xox

  5. Yellow – bubs associates this with happiness (smiley face emoji), sunshine and her favourite fruit banana!

  6. My two little ones love play dough. My son is very creative and makes things that I would not even think of. My daughter also love building with the play dough containers.

  7. My 4 year old son loves Blue play dough and my 2 year old daughter loves Green play dough, but they both like mixing the play dough colours together to make a nice marble/rainbow colour.

  8. Amazing! Play Doh is one of the few activities that keeps my 4 year old occupied for prolonged periods. It’s great for both of us!

  9. She asks for Blue a lot of the time but to be honest she wants all the colours all the time! I guess its too hard to choose when being creative!

  10. A years supply of Play Dough for my 3 little ones would be a treat, they’d make many creations that would be neat. Aged 6,4 & 2 what else would they want to do?

  11. Play doh is life! 😂 Eat it, smell it, squeeze it, shape it, chuck it – it’s an essential part of childhood!!! Oh and don’t forget to mix all the colours together 💕

  12. They swap from red , blue, green. There’s no favorite colour that sticks. I always praise them when they pick a new colour to love.

  13. My kids Play-doh slowly seems to vanish over time i haven’t found it in their bedrooms so i am assuming they are eating it 🙂 I remember doing that as a child myself at least they not eating stick glue like i did.

  14. My sons favourite Playdoh Colour is blue. My daughters favourite is pink. They absolutely love Playdoh!

  15. I’d love to win this for my 1 year old son. He’s just started to show interest in playdoh 😍

  16. Monkey’s favorite play doh colour is Green because he tries to make grasshoppers as loves these creatures.

  17. My little ones LOVE playdough and I love watching them unleash their creativity for hours on end.

  18. Wow we love play dough in our house, any colour is loved, but the ones with glitter are a a Definite favourite

  19. My daughter loves to make rainbows, so that would be all colours and my son loves blue.

  20. If muddy brown is a colour, then that would be it! Squishing every colour possible to create new and “exciting” colours is what my little one loves to do!

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